Leadership Development
Signature Europe’s Leadership Development trainings, use the latest collective scientific studies on human psychology, behavior and communication, and offers you in-depth understanding of WHY people behave the way they do.

Our leadership experts embark you on a journey of inter-and-intra personal discovery designed to help your leaders build trust and credibility, influence mindsets and tapping into the potential and the energy of a winning team.
Our programs are developed and designed for your industry and company to perfectly meet the needs and dynamics of your team. We build real and relevant work scenarios into the program, cleverly designed to challenge participants’ understanding of leadership, engagement, motivation, goal-setting, accountability and performance measurement.
Our leadership programs assist you to transcend mediocrity into the realm of excellence in achieving long-lasting qualitative and quantitative results.
Select from one of our Programmes
Service Leadership
The most admired and inspirational leaders are attuned to what is going on in the moment, both externally and internally. This ability to be completely aware and focused in the moment enables leaders to have enough energy to handle stress, to have a clear head to focus, and to make good decisions. Signature Europe’s Service Leadership training program provides all managers and leaders, at every level of your organization, with the knowledge, skills and tools required to direct, mediate and coach successful teams.
- The creation of high-performing teams that will impact the bottom line of your business with this service leadership training.
- Participants will walk away with individual leadership action plans, as well as a team leadership diagram identifying both the strengths and leadership gaps that currently exist in your organization.
Training Objectives
We train your talent to:
- Discover their own behavioral leadership and communication style and the impact it has on your organization and work groups.
- Learn and practice tools to help them become a legendary service leader.
- Learn how to develop trust in and for others in your organization.
- Identify leadership traps and how to recognize when they are stuck in one.
- Discover the difference between habits and leadership rituals, and how to implement healthy leadership rituals that will strengthen their leadership effectiveness.
- Learn five questions that will help them become a legendary service leader.
- Develop a personal accountability plan for their leadership role.
- Learn how to lead teams to high performance.
Key Success Factor
During the process of studying and working with thousands of leaders, teams and top-notch executives, we have discovered the leadership qualities most admired by teams and the behaviors that lead to team success.Learning to lead is a process. Our Service Leadership Program is specially designed to bring awareness to individual leadership behavior and create lasting improvements. With follow-up training, your leaders will measure success against a professional development plan and increase their role in your overall organization’s success.
Sales Leadership
The skills that make someone an excellent sales professional in the selling arena are not the same as the traits required to become a successful sales leader. Signature Europe’s dynamic Sales Leadership program assists leaders not only to know their product, but to also know their people.
We train your candidates on how to effectively hire, lead and develop a successful sales team. Highly effective sales leaders think ahead, set goals, motivate and coach to get results. The focus is on creating a proactive workplace culture that nurtures your team to achieve stronger performance and profitability levels.
Inspirational sales leaders can build high-performing teams who can sell in any economy. This is Signature’s mission – to equip sales leaders with the knowledge and skills to lead your sales team to achieve competitive advantage in today’s changing economic environment.
- The creation of a high-performance sales team which ensures consistent sales results.
- Participants will walk away with sales leadership action plans, identifying both the strengths and gaps that currently exist in your sales team.
- The implementation of effective sales planning processes and value-creating sales structures.
- The execution of an improvement plan.
Training Objectives
We train your talent to:
- Find and recruit the right sale team.
- Build and grow a high performance sales force.
- Manage and maximize time.
- Understand the power of teamwork and cultivate a collaborative team spirit.
- Put in place a structured sales process.
- Instill core values into your sales culture that can be embodied daily.
- Set measurable objectives and measure the right things.
- Provide effective performance feedback that develops and empowers.
- Improve your ability to read and motivate different types of people.
- Running effective meetings.
- Use best practices to successfully execute the sales strategy.
Key Success Factor
Our goal is to help you identify both where your leadership skills are today as well as what you can do to strengthen these skills in the future. We assist you to evaluate your sales leadership skills and we provide continued support in the development of these skills via ongoing Personal Coaching Sessions which continually assist you to develop and follow through with your personal leadership skill building plan.
With the constant changes in the workplace, the Teambuilding workshop benefits both seasoned and new employees to learn to work together more effectively. Our expert facilitators work together with your management to select the appropriate activities by aligning the needs of the team with the goal and purpose of each activity.
Signature Europe’s team building programs provide the opportunity for teams to identify a common goal, solve problems, assign responsibility, encourage each other and integrate their talents to reach their common goal.
Signature uses a experiential and engaging approach to get team members to break barriers, share insights and emotions in a supportive, encouraging environment which may allow individuals to become more accepting and understanding of the perspectives and experiences of others.
Team building has proven successful in changing behavior and contributing to the creation of a more cohesive and trusting team.
- Creation of team identity.
- Uncovering of hidden problems.
- Realization that change is needed.
- Improvement of the way the team interacts, functions & solves problems.
- Motivational levels that impact business performance.
- Reduction of issues relating to poor quality and low productivity.
- Increased understanding and appreciation for each other’s viewpoints.
Training Objectives
We train your talent to:
- Understand the value of teamwork.
- Discover that one person’s actions can influence the effectiveness of the entire team.
- Appreciate diversity.
- Build mutual support & trust within and across teams.
- Understand the sequential stages of team formation and development.
- Maximize strengths and create a more productive team environment.
- Re-focus and re-energize themselves during current periods of uncertainty.
- Develop effective solutions that produce long-term results.
Key Success Factor
We work together with your management teams to understand and assess your team’s specific needs. Our teambuilding activities are not only fun-filled, however they are specifically selected and targeted to identify and extract attitudes and behaviours which can be worked on and developed to produce a collaborative team which positively impacts on business growth.
Coaching and Mentoring
Coaching and mentoring are key drivers that enable organizations to attain a high performing environment. The focus of Signature Europe’s Coaching & Mentoring training is to understand the critical communication skills necessary to engage employees in coaching sessions with the purpose of recognizing strengths and personally committing to improving weaker areas.
- Participants attain the knowledge, skills and tools required to develop employee performance, address individual and organizational challenges and facilitate the creation of a common service culture.
Training Objectives
We train your talent to:
- Understand what Coaching is? What Coaching IS NOT? Why Coaching?
- Discover the impact of effective coaching on attitudinal changes.
- Work with disengaged individuals and motivation dilemmas.
- Develop their emotional Intelligence.
- Develop effective coaching communication and interpersonal skills.
- Implement coaching tools & models.
- Plan and Prepare for Coaching.
- Utilize effective questioning techniques& active listening.
- Offer feedback that nurtures and enhanceindividual performance.
- Empower others: developing performance growth.
Key Success Factor
We coach coaches to coach effectively by providing continued support in the development of their skills via ongoing Personal Coaching Sessions which continually assist to plan and prepare coaching sessions and track performance growth.
Conflict Management
Signature Europe’s Conflict Management training workshop provides individuals with the skills and techniques to turn difficult situations around and free up precious time in order to be more productive.
- Improved relationships within departments of the organization.
- Improved relationships between departments of the organization.
- Improved relationships with your customers.
Training Objectives
We train your talent to:
- Understand the nature of conflict.
- Use your differences productively.
- Develop structures which enable individuals to negotiate solutions.
- Replace perceptions with open communication and respect.
- Replace the language of conflict with the language of co-operation.
- Recognize typical sources of tension across personality types.
- Explore win-win and win-lose approaches and their consequences.
- Understand and manage your own feelings and actions.
Key Success Factor
Signature provides continued support of the skills acquired from the Conflict Management Training Program via ongoing Personal and Group Coaching Sessions which continually monitor and assist skills development and employee performance progress.
Personal Branding
Communication is central to success in business from the moment you offer a hello, what you say and the way you say it to how you say good bye. It will determine how you are perceived both individually and as a representative of your company.
Almost everyone can talk but the number of people who are well-spoken is dwindling. In business, verbal communication is always an exercise loaded with opportunities and pitfalls. Effective verbal and non-verbal communication is central to success in business and an inability to do it well can stunt career advancement and cause serious credibility problems.
Signature Europe’s Personal Branding training program constitutes four modules, beginning with the all-important first impression of body language, proceeding to the many components of speaking correctly and getting your message across verbally to the powerful message of what we wear and how we wear it.
- Creation of Good First, Last & Lasting Impressions.
- Success in building and cultivating professional relationships.
- Quality Image & Appearance.
- Turning contacts into contracts!.
Training Objectives
We train your talent to:
- Enhance the Brand Called YOU.
- Communicate effectively using correct and appropriate Non-Verbal Communication.
- Use powerful verbal communication that produces positive impact.
- Increase visibility, credibility and hence, profitability.
- Plan ahead and keep informed.
- How to Start and End a Conversation.
- Become Word Smart: Using the right language and expressions.
- Know how to express opinions, agreement and disagreement effectively.
- Increase self-awareness and self-control.
- Recognize the importance of impeccable grooming in building relationships.
- Dress appropriately for your Hotel and Position: accessories; hair; grooming and make-up.
Key Success Factor
As Luxury Brand Specialists and Leaders in Luxury Hospitality, Signature Europe has an outstanding track record in training clients to achieve personal impact. Having worked extensively with CEOs, politicians, general managers, middle-management, sales consultants and young and ambitious employees who wished to enhance their personal image, we are the perfect partner to help individuals make a personal impact, thereby building a highly successful social and professional network.